Dear Ashara,

My heart goes out to this remembrance and all those who suffered a personal 
loss, but I am with you in that my heart can't go here yet. I saw part of a 
very good program the night of the anniversary on BET where Dr. Alvin 
Poussaint was being interviewed. He advised that this remembrance may be a 
little too raw for many Americans, especially those who have lost loved ones 
and advised that it may be better to limit reliving scenes from that horrible 
day. He especially advised that children may not yet be ready to view those 
scenes again. 

I just knew in my heart that I wasn't emotionally prepared to re-live that 
day again. There are some that may find it a way of healing and moving 
forward with their lives. For them, it would have been good to deal with it 
and help themselves to heal. I think everyone has to know their own comfort 
level with re-living the 9/11 tragedy. My brother was supposed to be at the 
Pentagon on that very day and it was too close a call for me and my family. 


In a message dated 03/14/2002 12:09:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:24:44 EST
> Subject: Re: WTC memorial (totally NJC)
> I like some of the things everyone has come up with. It is still too raw 
> for 
> me to really think about this, but I love hearing everyone's ideas!
> Hugs,
> Ashara

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