The 6 month anniversary has meant more to me than I
even expected. And I found the documentary 9/11 to be
literally stunning. I shook the whole time watching it.

I think a memorial should include usable office and
living space. I wish I were an architect so I could
express my ideas better. But, I'd propose four
buildings surrounding a center courtyard, each no
taller than 55 stories. I'd probably lean towards
having the buildings be a slight crescent shape. The
walls of the buildings facing the street would be of
normal constuction, except there would be a band of red
brick, white granite, and blue marble about 2/3 of the
way up each building. The walls facing the courtyard
would be glass (somewhat like the John Hancock tower
here in Boston.) In the courtyard itself would be two
reflecting pools, side by side, 110 yards long. (I'm
thinking of something like the reflecting pool at the
Christian Science Center, also here in Boston. BTW,
it's functional as well as pretty, because it's part of
the cooling system.) The lobby of each building would
contain a gallery, where exhibits would change every
few months. Also, permanently installed in each
building would be a work of art/craft to commemorate
victims. For example, a "memory quilt" with the faces
and names of victims sewn into it, that sort of thing -
something hand done, and exquisitely beautiful. Each
work of memorial art would contain 1/4 of the victims'

So, that's my $.02 worth...

lots of love

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