In a message dated 4/22/02 9:07:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>i remember fans leaving
>in droves over HOSL and Hejira, and those works being dismissed by critics
>and the musically educated, now those works are generally considered

The phrase "critics and the musically educated" is an oxymoron if ever there 
was one. I'm not aware of any musically educated person whose opinion I value 
dismissing HOSL or Hejira. I didn't. Neither Pat Metheny nor Lyle Mays nor 
Wayne Shorter nor Charles Mingus did, nor Jaco or any of the other brilliant 
musicians who played on those records.

>well i am not a musician, i just know what i like to hear

This would be a good time for me to reiterate that in no way am I addressing 
whether or not any particular music of Joni's has meaning for someone. If it 
does, it does. All I'm dealing with are the musical reasons why her later 
work doesn't for me.


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