In a message dated 4/23/02 2:02:17 AM, Merk54 writes:

>I definitely agree with you on some of this.  I think the most obvious
>demonstration of this would be the comparison of Joni's two versions of
>Man From Mars - The TTT version, and the her version from the Grace of
>My Heart sound track.  While the TTT version is very nice, and melds 
>with the rest of TTT, her GOMH version is a stunner.

The GOMH version, which was produced by Larry Klein, by the way, is the 
closest thing to older-style-Joni that she's released in a long, long time, 
both in its orchestration/production and in the actual notes. It's very nice.

>As far as TTT sounding too much the same, I've had several friends make
>the same complaint about Hejira and Blue, and in reality, they both do
>have a unique consistancy to them.  For some reason, though, people are
>more open to the sounds of these albums.  To me, it's just a matter of

Hejira has an inherent, built-in sameness that is actually a significant 
component of the aesthetic of the album, and of its artistic success. Blue is 
more varied, although it also has an inherent homogeneity that contributes to 
its achievement. But the consistency of both these albums is like the 
congruity of a very fine, complex, full-bodied wine ... lots of rich nuance 
and variation within their conformity. TTT's sameness is the repetition of 
the average (albeit, Joni's average is a hell of a lot better than most 
people's best). Sorry to be so harsh, but to my ears, that's honestly how 
wide the disparity is for me.


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