Jack wrote:

> What I cant agree with is the belittling of the Nice Kitty Kitty lyric!

Well, I didn't mean to belittle the poor kitty! ;-)  I don't hate that she
wrote it that way - but maybe hate that it might turn some people off from
the overall song.  But then if she wrote for what other people thought, she
wouldn't be Joni!

> As far as TTT sounding too much the same, I've had several friends make
the same complaint about >Hejira and Blue, and in reality, they both do have
a unique consistancy to them.  For some reason, >though, people are more
open to the sounds of these albums.  To me, it's just a matter of

Better not get me started on the beloved Hejira ;-) but TTT doesn't sound
too much the same to me - I think it's a very diverse mixed bag (not in a
bad way) that has enough brilliance scattered throughout in melody and
lyrics to make it worthy.

> I happen to prefer Picasso's blue period, but I still recognize the genius
of his rose period.  I think >this is very much the same thing.

It is, and I'm reminded that there are a number of people here who have
their favorite phases of Joni across the entire spectrum.


NP:  Karla Bonoff - Isn't it Always Love

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