Alan wrote:

<As far as what music I want played at my funeral, that's a good thread. 
Tea for the Tillerman, of Harold and Maude fame.  Some JT, some Joni...
Game for sure.  Some David Wilcox... some Bruce Cockburn... People who
people, maybe...

Any other Iowans?> 

Les and Mark in Seattle that I'm aware of, and you know, there could be

<where you from Penny?>

Born in my grandfathers house (he was a Doctor and minister), in Vinton. 
Funny, went back to Vinton for my favorite aunt's funeral in 85 and the
once thriving place had turned into almost a ghost town from what had
happened to the farm economy.  Some kinda cool things remain though, one
being the state park just outside of town bears my family name. Things I
think of when I think of Iowa - catching fireflies on summer nights,
fabulous tenderloin sandwiches, exactly north/south or east/west gravel
country roads, drinking water that smelled like minerals, three HUGE meals
a day and very honest, unpretentious people. Nice to visit relatives back
there, but imho the one big downfall is the scenery.  I LOVE living here,
just across the river from Portland OR and seeing Mt St. Helens out the
back door and Mt Hood out the front, but with the Ocean a short two hour
(max) drive away.  I think only Seattle or Vancouver BC could be better
places to live for great scenery and accessiblity to the lifestyle and
events we like to take in.

Anne wrote:

<Well.... I think it's a bit much for most to

Oh no, I've thought about my funeral since I was a teen without any
qualms.  Haha, the one thing that I hope they'll let me do, or more
precisely, do for me if it can be open casket, is prop me up on my elbow
wearing a Rams sweatshirt and grin, so the whole service they'll have the
last chance of seeing me as I lived.  Kinda like they had all come over to
watch the last big game with a sports nut.  Heck, that just gave me an
idea.  Instead of listing songs to be played, maybe I should insist that
my funeral be held on a Sunday during a Rams game (or replay the Ram's
Superbowl win from a couple of years ago if I die off-season!) Then if the
Rams should happen to lose that day they could just adjust my lower lip
out a little bit to form a pout and close the lid.  I mean why not make it
a hoot?  That body was just the wrapper anyway. :-)

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