Brenda wrote:

 Sarah Vaughan - "You Are Too Beautiful"

Brenda, I have read your posts about Sarah more than once and thus want some
advice from you.  I remember seeing her for the first time, probably 15-20
years ago now, on some awards show, back when I still watched them.  I had
heard of her but that was the extent of my knowledge about her at that time.
On this program, she had a handkerchief and was wiping the sweat from her
brow as she sang.  I don't remember the song but it was something deep,
touching, and she wrung the emotion from it and gave it to me through the
t.v. screen.  All I could think was "damn, she is good."  I then went out
and bought a couple of her albums but they weren't like the Sarah on the
t.v.  The tunes she did on these albums were sweet, pretty songs.  I wanted
the gritty, real songs by Sarah Vaughn.  I know there must be some.  Help.


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