is it possible ... just possible ... that joni may secretly want to be
glitzy?  No .. I just can't picture in my minds eye joni grabbing her crotch
but show her tits?  Well, she showed her ass on FTR.  She has every right to
be pissed about the music business but Joni, please, move on already.
Joni is the crhme de la crhme.
Kate has a good idea... Joni should start her own label.  Would she let
anyone else record on it though?

Kate ... doesn't Joni consider Jonatha Brooke and Aimee Mann part of the

Maybe we should start writing Joni's responses in interviews for her ;-"


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-joni@;]On Behalf Of Kate
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: Article says Joni's calling it quits

>>saying she would never take another deal in the record business,  "which
means I may not record again".<<

who knows... but NEVER taking another record deal is one thing... & MAY not
record again is another...hope springs eternal...

pssst....Joni, you can do this on your don't need no stinkin
record company...there is a lot of great music out there! pay no attention
to what the mainstream biz is producing these won't find it too
much of it there...that doesn't mean it isn't alive & well...your songs
stand up on their own...remember when you recorded with just a vocal &
guitar/piano? & blew us all away...c' still have a lot to say...

stephen wrote >>But she said: "no one wants to listen to what I have to
say."  She seemed extremely pissed, and rightly so, that she has not
received the "recognition" she truly

i know she feels this way & i can understand where she is coming from only
in the context of where the music biz has gone...but i believe she is
looking in the wrong direction for recognition...the music biz is indeed as
she describes it but so what?...she can just go around it...i really wish
she'd stop looking at her music reflected through the biz & start looking at
what other folks (especially woman) have done recently ... 2 great examples
are jonatha brooke & aimee mann...they've had more success & recognition on
their own terms than they ever had when they had a record deal...joni may
not have the widespread commercial success of some other, less talented,
'artists', but that has never been her priority... she has a significant fan
base that i am convinced would buy an album of her new songs (!) if she were
to release them independently & she'd be keeping all the profits from the
sales instead of handing it over to a label...

Kate Bennett:
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