Yeah!  Go, Norma go!  It's not like you'd put a vividly ripe vaginal symbol
on your album cover or anything.  ( 1969  )  Or
a photo of a bikini-clad chick swimming on her back. (1975)   Or your bare
backside on a poster-sized foldout!  (1972)  You have higher standards!

And you'd never say 'feck' in a lyric either.  Or write a saucy story.
You're above the fray!

The thing is: she's getting quoted ALL OVER THE PLACE for these
pesudo-outragous statements.  She lucky enough to be a natural at getting
quoted and in that, she's EXACTLY like Madonna.  It's not calculated when
Joni does it and it's probably not calculated when Madonna does it.  They're
both broads and I love (one of them) for it!

Advice to Victor and Jack:  Practice up for your release party.  Try this:
"Rolling Stone can BITE me."  Say it in front of a mirror, boys, until you
can make eye contact everytime and deliver the line with CONVICTION.
"Rolling Stone wouldn't know ART if it tickled them under the CHIN and said
coochy-coo!"  Put THAT on a CNN banner!  Oh, she's stoking the machinery all
right.  Sit back and watch how all of this gets picked up next week (the
week of the release, eh?) in the tabloids:

"CURMUDGEON CALLS IT QUITS!!  The Inside Story: Why I won't grab my crotch
for MTV!!!,  A grandmother's anguish"

She's RIGHT where she should be.  You *GO* girl!  Joni quoted on a CNN
banner!  That's so outrageous and perfectly excellent!


In a message dated 11/12/2002 10:23:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, Joni teases
the MTV stars:

> "Show my tits? Grab my crotch? Get hair extensions and a
> choreographer?

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