There isn't much to add from my seat (next to Kakki), except to reiterate how 
HOT it was -- man, they are touting the old Wiltern as the NEW Wiltern, but 
they had better get some A/C.  

I thought two things were significant.  First, Joni again this year was the 
final performer.  This happening after Henley introduced her as being an 
influence on all the women that performed on the stage that evening.  Joni 
was also the only one to perform three numbers.  The others were limited to 
two.  She looked happy, rested and beautiful.

It was a great show.  Enough has been said about Stevie.  She blew me away.  
On the way home, Brad asked me why she plays with her dress so much.  He only 
vaguely knew who she was -- but knows her "group."  My work is never done 
with that man.  He was a trooper -- for him the evening was comparable to 
root canal.  But he did say Joni was far and away the most into what she was 
doing.  He said he felt more from her singing than all the others combined.  

I was taken with Reba's performance as well.  Never a fan, her stage presence 
and voice surprised me.  If anyone has recommendations for a Reba LP that is 
just a little bit country, let me know.

Finally, as is my favorite part about this cyber family, meeting up with 
fellow JMDLers is always a blast and makes waiting for late concerts and 
sitting in hot concert halls worth it!

No regrets,

Coyote Rick
Casa Alegre
Hollywood, California

"Only fools are afraid to be burned by fire..."

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