I wrote:

<< Interestingly, while you are right that Hammer and Vanilla Ice were not
criticised for being men, Vanilla Ice WAS heavily slated because of his
colour. I don't know what this tells us<<

Jerry added:

>>But (Vanilla Ice) he did get criticized for his race.<<

And Mike replied:

<< Whatever it tells you and tells me is open to different interpretations,
and that's cool. What it doesn't do is make it ok to use offensive sexist
(tautology?) language against women and not men just because the guys are
getting the flak over their 'race' (like 'gender', another social
construct). I know Azeem and Jerry are not saying that it IS OK, but it
is curious that their comments are so similar, or at least focus on the
same thing, which could, I repeat could, be read as a justification, if
one was in a pedantic mood. Which I'm not, but while I'm on the subject,
let's not confuse 'race' with 'colour' either. >>

I'm coming back to this a little after the fact: go away for a day and find 
186 emails in my inbox.  Anyway, I want to make it clear that I was IN NO WAY 
suggesting that it's OK to use sexist or misogynist language about anyone.  
You were reading more into my comment than was there, Mike.

Azeem in London

NP: Sarah Polley singing the title song from the soundtrack album to The 
Sweet Hereafter - wonderful stuff

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