Colin wrote
>>men get a lot of flack too for behaving 'gay'. Watch any tv program and
listen to the words men use about other men(and women use to).
In fact there is a lot of nme calling which has sexist/mysoginist

Yes, I agree. I think too that gay men are treated as (dis)honorary women in
these cases. Do any of you(se) out there remember the part in Glengarry Glen
Ross where Pacino rips into Spacey for losing him a client? Although Pacino
uses the 'C' word (has four letters and rhymes with 'front', except in
Australia) the strongest insult Pacino can throw at Spacey is, if I remember
correctly, the final word. "You 'girl'".
mike in bcn - music city.
NP Courtney Pine. The Vision's Tale.

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