mike pritchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Colin wrote

In fact there is a lot of nme calling which has sexist/mysoginist overtones.<<

and then Mike wrote: 

Yes, I agree. I think too that gay men are treated as (dis)honorary women in these 
cases. Do any of you(se) out there remember the part in Glengarry Glen Ross where 
Pacino rips into Spacey for losing him a client? Although Pacino uses the 'C' word 
(has four letters and rhymes with 'front', except in Australia) the strongest insult 
Pacino can throw at Spacey is, if I remember correctly, the final word. "You 'girl'". 

and now Miss Mags....

Yea, the old slinging of girlie girl arrows is alive and well as we speak...and while 
growing up as the somewhat athletic person that i am...it was all to common to be told 
that I "threw like a girl". I know we/ve covered this topic before and that said, it 
never can be raised too many times imho...awareness is like that and it's far too easy 
to become...comfortably numb. Insults come in the strangest ways sometimes. Using 
various names of female anatomy are yet another way of slamming boys to men as well. 
Go figure. 


np: Vicki Genfan, Outside the Box, brilliant guitarist, vocalist...

thank you Claudia ! 




NP Courtney Pine. The Vision's Tale. 

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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