You note Mack that the women are saying that if a male, such as Lyle 
Lovett, does not meet their preconceived and artificial standards of 
"male beauty" then that the male is totally undesirable.  Very 
superficial, I think.  If we were to comment on women that way oh the 
shit would fly.   Hey women, unless you all look like Julia Roberts why 
should a guy be interested, right?  Or is it just that Lyle isn't good 
enough for a Julia - what is he allowed on a a scale of 1 to 10?   A 5? 
 A 3?  What? 

I am just kidding, but I am making a subtle point too.  

Now Mack has set the example for all of us.  He refused to be limited by 
outer appearances and artificial standards of WASP GQ perfection and 
goes and sees the guy and sees him by what he is, not by GQ standards, 
and says, "in a heartbeat."    Mack is the saint of the day.     

mack watson-bush wrote:

>Catherine and Susan commented:
> Come
>>on, even a girl of my persuasion can understand
>>>Joni's discretion here!  It would be like
>>>Julia Roberts falling in love with and marrying, say
>>>Lyle Lovett ... Oh wait - never mind! ;-D
>>I never got that either.
mack answered:

>Bob Dylan.  Personally, yuck.  But Lyle Lovett.  Of course haven't met him
>but on those rare occasions when I have seen him in flicks.   Whoa.  At fist
>glance not very attractive but what an aura, what sex appeal.  Darn.  In a

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