I have not ever been remotely interested in Bob Dylan. I can't name a single song he 
wrote. He just strikes me as someone I won't relate to, lyrically or musically, not 
that I don't respect his musical contribution to the world, which I hear has been 
quite significant.

When I saw Joni perform in 1998, when she toured with Dylan, I was surrounded by 
hundreds of old Dylan boys. Only a handful of people were there to see Joni, 
unfortunately, and she got a very unflattering reception. People were talking through 
her set and walking around. I was very pissed off. So was Joni. Half way through the 
set she crossed her arms and went to the back of the stage to pout in the shadows 
while the band played. She looked most unimpressed. 

When Dylan came on the reception was totally different. People were fixated and 
cheering loudly. I felt I had got my $60 worth and left before he finished his first 
song, making sure the Dylan fans beside me who had gabbed all through Joni's set were 
appropriately inconvenienced by my departure: "excuse me, coming through, pardon me, 
excuse me, was that your toe? oh well."

-Andrew in Ottawa
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