In a message dated 04/12/2002 01:00:27 GMT Standard Time, 

<< I think what Joni meant by "unambitious" is that it's not trying to be 
something it's not, intentionally trying to rouse a reaction by infusing the 
voice with mock emotion or pretty trills. Celine and Streisand really put on 
a huge vocal show, a sound that is quite different from their speaking 
voices. There is a bit of pretense to it, I guess - at least in Joni's view. >

I don't know if that's what Joni meant Andrew, but it makes perfect sense 
now!  That would be an interesting question: which singer's singing voices 
are least like their speaking voices?  Anyone remember Jennifer Rush, who had 
a monster hit in the mid 80s with The Power Of Lurve?  She had this big, 
plummy singing style, and I almost choked on my cornflakes when I heard her 
interviewed on the radio - she sounded like Minnie Mouse!

Then there's Sandy Dillon, who has a perfectly normal speaking voice, yet, 
when she sings, sounds like Tom Waits's long-lost sister with a bad case of 
tonsilitis.  I kinda like her, but the few people I know who've heard her 
stuff find her voice unbearably affected, which it may indeed be.

Azeem in London

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