a wise man once told me that it's all a matter of perception...perhaps yesterday was 
one of my "the glass is half empty" kind of days. needless to say, i obviously 
misinterpreted the meaning behind the word(s). my apologies especially to Andrew, for 
i meant no offense to you personally. it was  a knee jerk reaction to the years of 
hearing canadians singers/performers/artists get slammed for being "less than". well, 
now that i've dug the hole even deeper, i know when to stop. 
sorry andrew.
Mags...sometimes a bit of a crab these days. 
 kakki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I thought Andrew's list of "unambitious" Canadian 
singers was meant in a way
to give himself (and all Canadians) a collective pat on your parka-covered
Canadian backs, Mags, for having such a surplus of naturally
beautiful-voiced artists up there! ;-) Seriously, I thought it was a bit of
proud praise and not at all a put-down!

Kakki, ambitious imitator of Joni, Buffy St. Marie and even Gordon Lightfoot
in her day!

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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