> But does that mean that a statue of Jerry Garcia should have him
> shooting up heroin?

Good point, Victor.

> I have no problem imagining Joni without a cigarette and wouldn't
> even ever think about the fact that she smokes except that it is
> brought up here so often.

I can imagine Joni without a cig, but I have to think back to the LOTC 
years to do that, even though I know she smoked back then.  When I saw 
her at "A Day In The Garden" in Bethel, though, she smoked on stage 
almost non-stop.  And that's the image that sticks in my mind.

> Actually, I can't think of anyone I know that I envision with a
> cigarette every time I think about them.

Oh, I can think of people.  Several friends and relatives.  In fact, 
for some reason people who barely know me often ask me if I want a 
cigarette, or if I've just stopped smoking.  (Yes, when I was 18.)  
Apparently there's something about me that suggests to them that I 
should be puffing away ...

(now 44)


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