Debra wrote:

> 2. NO cigarette (Joni's addiction and romance with cigarettes isn't
> something to immortalize IMO)

Colin replied:

> I undertsand your point. however, i feel it would be dishonest to 
> leaveit out. we cannot 'clean'people up and keep our integrity. like 
> when they make films about  real people and elave the bits 'they
> don't like out. not good.

And I -- a non-smoker who regularly rants at my militant-smoker family 
and who teaches my nieces (ages 3 and 1) that cigarettes are "YECK" -- 
agree with Colin.  Joni is Joni, cigarette and all.  I also agree with 
Les that it's tacky, but Joni without a cig would be less authentic.

I do foresee the thing being broken off, though.  Perhaps it should 
reside in an ashtray, with only the filter protruding slightly.  I also 
like Kate's idea of being able to put a lit cigarette in Joni's hand.  
Then it's simply an option and not a permanent endorsement of smoking.

Debra, I LOVE all the rest of your ideas!!  Especially the facing 
west/southwest concept.



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