Debra writes:

<< My guess, though, is that a Canadian sculptor would be sought first. >>

Then maybe the sculpture should be just ice!

Seriously, though, think of all the talented sculptors in the world who would jump at 
the chance to take on this project. I appreciate the work the Beside Herself committee 
is doing, but maybe the cart is being put before the horse here as far as trying to 
get an artist's rendering of the piece at this point. Maybe efforts should be put into 
trying to find the right artist first? Are there PR channels within the working artist 
world -- such as magazines or newsletters or web sites -- where the committee could 
announce its intentions and seek interested sculptors  who might want to submit a 

Just trying to help . . .


BTW, I love your ideas, Debra, and Michael O's and some of the other thoughts that 
have been put forth. (Sorry I don't remember who the other contributors were, but I've 
barely had time to read Joni mail these last few days.)

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