> Seriously, though, think of all the talented sculptors in the world who would jump 
>at the
> chance to take on this project. I appreciate the work the Beside Herself committee is
> doing, but maybe the cart is being put before the horse here as far as trying to get 
> artist's rendering of the piece at this point.

I think so now, too. It's probably tricky because some money would need
to be raised before an artist is hired since usually there's a portion
of the fee paid upfront, even before the sketches are done, and yet such
sketches in the publicity materials would be helpful with the
fundraising. To get the process started, I'd think a graphic artist
would be able to come up with a visual to get the basic idea across. 

> Maybe efforts should be put into trying to find the right artist first? Are there PR
> channels within the working artist world -- such as magazines or newsletters or web 
> -- where the committee could announce its intentions and seek interested sculptors 
> might want to submit a plan?

Assuming the search goes beyond Canada, even a press release to a few
regular newspapers would get the word out, and it would probably be
picked up from there by different publications. There are websites that
compile news about art from all different sources, such as
http://www.artsjournal.com/. It may be possible to let them know
whenever anything is in a Saskatoon paper, for example. And press
releases to Artnews and Artforum would probably be a good idea also. And
foundries where bronze sculptures are made would know of the artists
using their facilities, and they could probably be contacted.

> BTW, I love your ideas, Debra, and Michael O's and some of the other thoughts that 
> been put forth.

Thanks Bob! I was feeling unappreciated. Childish, I know. Or maybe it's
the Leo thing. We need lots of attention. Fellow Leo Susan (the Guzzi)
would understand.

Debra Shea

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