I Joined the list on Sunday hoping to find some like minded people but all i
find is closed minded anoraks who can't see further than the ends of thier
noses and can't accept any thing different to whhat they're used to. The only
comment that I have read in the past few days which seemed to make any sense
was Eric Taylor's. I have fallen in love with travelogue.
The orchestral arrangement is beautiful. The textures and colours created are
wonderful. It is only to be expected that a recording of singing with a large
orchestra is going to be different to a studio album where everything is
arranged around the voice. The impact which the orchestra brings to the music
is trully moving.
I find listening to the record quite an emotional experience. I am alternately
elated and brought almost to tears. It is obvious to me that a lot of people
have put a lot of their soul into this record and if anyone who worked on this
recording were to read some of the comments aired they would surely feel as
bad as anyone going through a divorce.
This is my first posting and will probably be my last. I find the comments in
these discussions(?) totally at odds with the sentiments of Joni's lyrics.

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