>>>-The question is, I think, "How do YOU plan on living through the end of Joni's 

John, what an excellent post! Thank you for that. It's true that so many fail to see 
the growth in most of Joni's projects. They want everything to sound like their 
favourite album and expect, demand, hope for more of what they themselves feel is her 
best form of musical setting. She doesn't do it for us. She does it for herself, to 
satisfy the muse in her that urges her forward with honesty and truth in a commitment 
to her artistic drive. And, yes, I thank her for that. I thank her because it speaks 
to me and the act of evolution itself is so inspiring to witness. 

I may not like all of Travelogue but I look at it with awe and wonder for many, many 
reasons. Not the least of which is her utter and complete devotion to music and the 
power it holds for her and others. I look at the package of the CD and think how much 
effort she put into that and how classic this record will one day become. Nothing like 
this has ever been done before - it's Joni breaking new ground yet again. Thank god 
for Joni Mitchell! 

How do I plan on living through the end? The same way I began my journey with Joni 
just 10 short years ago: with an open heart, an open mind, and a realization that she 
has given me so many gifts and insights. 

Thanks for this post, John. 

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