> If you want to critique/defend  Travelogue, then critique/defend it by its own
> merit without any reference to "a pretty soprano voice" or to people who love
> pretty soprano voices.   I may be wrong but have people who love "Travelogue"
> stopped listening to Joni's early recordings?  Honestly, some of the people
> who defend Travelogue so fervently and implore that they truly love Joni so
> much, while putting down people who don't like
> "Travelogue"  seem to have little grace in my opinion.


I apologise for my 'lack of grace' if I've shown that to you. I don't mean to put
anyone down.

Grace here is a matter of perspective.  From the first day I joined this list
over 2 years ago, I have read a myriad of posts regarding this or that recording
artist. How wonderful their music is, how lovely the voice, the artistry. Endless
gushing about this or that recording artist. And I sit there thinking, "Uggghhh.
What aweful dreck. Does absolutely nothing for me."

I respect Bob Muller to degrees he couldn't possibly, possibly imagine, but - God
bless him-  I wouldn't lend 10 seconds out of my day to 97% of what he listens
For me, it would be of little grace to hear Bob say on-line, " Micha Anima's new
cd is so lovely." and then for me to jump on-line and say, " Micha Anima's new cd
just doesn't do anything for me."
Bob doesn't need to hear that. So I've never said it.

If there's a Joni cut on Ladies of the Canyon, Blue, you name it, that does
nothing for me, absolutely no one on this list knows about it. Because someone on
the list loves that song to death and I feel they don't need to hear me diss it.
And if there were a Joni Mitchell album I didn't like, no one on this list would
ever hear me say that either. For me, that's a matter of 'grace' and respect to
those on the list who do.

I stand firmly on the side of people listening to what they love: Love what you
like. Like what you love. Don't like something? Move on. Find the things you like
and love and love it to death. I couldn't be more thrilled that Bob has so much
beautiful music to fill his life with.

I will read and often enjoy any critique of Joni. negative or positive. But when
you get to the part about "I" paired with "like", to be honest I don't give a
rat's hairless behind what one doesn't like about Joni. I don't need to hear
that.  It's the spirit and body of the critique that holds my attention, not the
bottom line.

My question, "How do you plan on living through the end?" has nothing and
everything to do with whether or not one likes T'log. As much as it probably
seems that I'm saying, love it or leave it. That's not my question. That's not my
point. My question is, in this passage of time, how will you cope with: -What

It's like the old line, "Grant me the serenity..."
I cannot change Joni's voice. It is what it is. And for some, her voice on T'log
is in such a state that they can't listen to it. -So the thought crossed my mind,
"Is this how the Joni journey ends for you???" That you've travelled this winding
road and come to a point where you have to get off the track because her voice
too painful to listen to?" It's not like she's going to run out to the Winn-Dixie
and pick up a new voice. Time is not on her side. I could be deeply wrong looking
at Joni as if she's got half a foot in the grave. But for the most part, I see
her career as at its cusp. What we are left with now will be 'What is.'

With what serenity will you embrace the last bit of a beautiful ride? Where will
you put the now in relation to all that was? How do you deal with what is? That's
my point. That's my question.

Face the direction of something you love.


(picturing Bob's wife hiding cd's she doesn't like hearing under the bed...)

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