Hi Lieve

  thank you for the letter and I really do think you make a pretty valid point
about the whole thing of T M D.

  Nearer the point (maybe)  about how grief affects people is to be found in
WHAT DREAMS MAY COME... Its a very wierd sort of film and makes the point in
the end that they can all only be happy because they are all dead and living
in a picture world! But it still does not deal with the "how you deal with
it..." I do so totally understand the
  "I'm sure most of us have gone through that more than once,
  >and there was a time when I really did not know how to let go - in fact, I
  >did not want to let go, because I felt that would be a betrayal of the
  >of everything I had felt before, and so like a true artist, I felt I kept
  >suffering for my art, for my pure raw emotions. I kept the wound fresh,
  >scratched off the scab, let it bleed for years... I now look back and
  >wonder why I allowed anything, anybody to take such a large part of my life
  >away. "

  Oh boy do I recognise that......I write poetry and short stories (am girding
myself for rejection time again!!!..any one know an agent? ) and find the best
flow of words is when either in love or bereft... How come my muse is absent
except at times of emotional flux? NOW...if I could only find a muse as
reliable as the Parking God.....

  Have to go wine and a friend are calling....
  Just finished playing.... "DONT FORGET ME" from By the way by the Red Hot
Chilli Peppers.... Yessssss

  Light and life to all

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