Holy cats, Lucy!  You are SOME great writer!  I've been lurking for a couple
of weeks so I guess I missed your entrance.  Now, it turns out, I'm
entranced.  Well done.


PS, Not that you need a man to validate your writing.  You don't.  :)  How
did I get on this kick?

"Lucy Hone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said,
Grief is a very personal experience. <edited> My closest grief experience
was on the death of my mother in
May 2000. her death was unexpected as she was carried away by some
unexpected recurrence of a medical problem (not cancer) and she died.....
she just died... 12 days start to finish and she was gone. Its like being
in a glass tunnel. You are in there shouting and banging the walls that
"hey! my mother, my poet, my artist, my wonderfully batty and very
irritable mother has died.. Hey!" bang bang bang on the walls and all the
time the world just goes on moving past you and you think you wont ever
re-join the days of other beings.

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