Kate wrote:

> here is another bomb...lol...from what i recall learning about marxism,
> there are many interpretations & forms, & some of it resonates with me as
> tend to lean towards socialism too (hi lori!)...

That's cool - I respect people more for being honest about what they believe
in.  It just has made me queasy personally that so many of the hard radical
Marxist groups were so amazingly organized to protest any military action by
the U.S. within days of 9/11.  How could they have been SO organized in
their opposition while most other people were still reeling from the events?
I fully admit to not understanding all the nuances and complexities of these
groups but in my simplistic mind, I suppose, I am baffled by these
particular peace groups being so organized against a U.S. war when the
countries who have adopted their own doctrines have been known in recent
history as the most murderous, bloody and inhumane going back to Lenin.
Where were their protests against violations of human rights all those
years?  Someone who says they are antiwar without adding on a particular
political agenda seems more uncompromised to me.  As I read back on the
Kosovo thread from 1999, I did notice that there was complete consistency in
being opposed to war then and now from Colin, Fred and Randy, regardless of
political doctrines.


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