As I read back on the
Kosovo thread from 1999, I did notice that there was complete consistency in
being opposed to war then and now from Colin, Fred and Randy, regardless of
political doctrines.


I don't know if i follow a political doctrine. i don't even know if i am a lefty or a righty! I imagine I have ideas that would be considered left or right by others. Is there a top ten list of ideas that says which is left or right?
Two ideas I have come to mind:
I believe in freedom for all and don't think the govt should interfere in people's personal lives. (that seems a Right idea to me)

I don't agree that 'meritocracies' work.(sounds Left to me)

I was thinking about this last night. I don't support any political party or ideology, as far as I know. I have never put my ideas or thoughts in a box and lablelled it.


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