I think we are agreeing here.  I may not be saying
it right, but I do agree with everything you've said.

kasey simpson wrote:

> Good point my friend, but yes.  If we have free will, God knows there
> are two paths we can walk, i.e. you can buy the house or not. So the
> vcr tape can show the choices God puts before us but not the out
> come.

I don't follow that. IF God knows everything, then God would see which
choice we made. That is not the same as saying He made us.
Also, there is usally more than one choice in any goven situation. Why
make the assumption it is God that gives us the choices? Life gives us
Perhaps God makes us, puts us here, and lets us get on with it, and it
is NOT all driected personally by God! The logivcal conslucion to this
way of thinking is that God causes everything to happen. Like child
abuse, murders, accidents, disease, war etc.

> Now if a woman becomes pregnant she has two choices, but
> if God knows she is going to abort, why give her the choice?

we have free will always. The choice is not 'given' by God. i think you
may have misunderstood. What God acn see the CHOICE she made. he idn't
give her that choice or force to make that choice. He just sees what she
did, of her own volition.

Free will is not that simple anyway.(and this is just as applicable to
believers as non) Choices can only be made when we are well informed and
able to make to make choices. Ignorance of all the choices available,
limits our free will, as does emotional disturbance, mental illness, and
all sorts of things. Many people neevr come to undertsand that what they
think and believe(and as a result, mostly, what they feel) is a choice.

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