Kasey, you do pose some interesting questions.  Thank you for posing 
them in a non-confrontational way.

> Lori, you chose to have an abortion, and say you regret it but it was
> the right thing at that time, no one can contest that.  The only
> questions for RTL is was there other options?  Where you given a
> choice or an easy out?

Of course there were other options, and yes, since I was working with a 
Planned Parenthood clinic, I was advised of all the possible choices.  
Choosing to terminate was certainly easier in many respects:  
financially, physically, probably emotionally as well.  I won't dispute 

> There are many kids not adopted, this is true, but mostly older kids
> taken out of abusive homes.

Which is exactly the point I tried to make in my "confessional" post.  
I know who I was at the time, and I know that if I had tried to raise 
my child, there was a HUGE possibility that I would have become an 
abusive parent.  I hate admitting that, but it's true.  And due to all 
the drugs (including LSD) and drinking I was doing, the developmental 
health of the fetus was questionable at best.  The discussion of 
genocide notwithstanding, I could not in good conscience bring that 
child into the world.

Maybe I'm narrow-minded and selfish, but there are so many miserable 
lives already, and I believe in quality of life, not just life itself.


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