Not running fast enough you capitalist swine! MR. ED!!!????
Please.....I prefer Lauren Bacall with laryngitis. Who by the
way speaks well. As for not being my type....hmmmmm, well
..............if you'ld wear a flag thong, and sing God Bless America
I think it would work :)

Well Kasey, you have now entered the "how many lesbians can we get in on one
discussion on the
JMDL" thread!  Welcome you CAN now officially be made fun of!  So lets see the
only non lez
mentioned is Magsie, who is an OFFICIAL honorary lez.  I think we have 7 real
ones, Cindy, Lori,
Marianne, Bree, Kasey, Susan (me) and oh yes Colin!

I was NOT making fun of Bree, but being a true capitalist and trying to make
money on sweet
Marianne's offer.  I would think that would turn you on Kasey, not that I was
trying, I think you
may not be my type - nor I yours for that matter! LOL!

But one question you REALLY sound like Mr. Ed?

I am so outta here ... running now ... oh yeah I'm fast!

SusanGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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