I don't like tuna - in fact I hate tuna.  The slightest smell makes me
physically ill, and a decent whiff will have me retching uncontrollably.  I
was brought up to like tuna, and the rest of my family like tuna, so it can't
be environment OR genes?  Maybe it's completely inexplicable, and there's no
reason "why" - it just is?

To me the argument about why someone is gay makes about as much sense as what
I've just written above.  Does there have to be a reason?  And why is everyone
so determined to FIND a reason?  I'm content knowing I AM, without knowing
why, and I agree with Bryan, who said "if you're looking for a cause, then
you're looking for a cure."

If you looked at individual backgrounds, you'd find as much variation as in
any group of heterosexuals, which would negate the heredity vs. environment
argument, anyway, in both cases.

"To have great poets, there must be great
  audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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