--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Catherine, fish fingers and
tomatoes are one of
> life's great joys!
> Actually, this was the only thing I would eat at
> school lunches, so 
> it's a reminder of innocence and calm within a
> storm.
> Oh, and mix a tin of tuna with a couple of boiled,
> chopped plum 
> tomatoes (placed in boiling water for just a minute
> or two to get the 
> skins off), add mayonnaise and creamed horseradish
> to taste - then 
> spread on hot buttered toast.  Delicious!

One wo/man's feast is another's poison. The very idea
of eating tomatoes with any kind of fish makes me want
to hurl. My daughter cannot eat carrots (and I thought
LLL children loved carrots.) I can't handle beets in
any form - even thinking of them makes me want to gag.
I can't even stand the smell of popcorn, so going to
movies is difficult for me. And so on.


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