blonde in the bleachers wrote:

Andrew you have no idea what being a bitch is, and you are lucky you
can't see the finger getting exercise at this moment.
First off, this whole discussion about Joni's gay fans is self-serving
and quite boring, great she has homosexual fans, lets move on to another

why? because you say so? It was at least JC.

Laurent said something to the effect that "gay people are more
educated about the arts" which I find to be a bunch of bullshit. God
forbid if someone came on this list and said something derogatory about
gay people, like "heteros are way more educated about sports than all
those gay people drinking herbal tea and listening to their Cher
Far worse things have been said about gays on this list.

The whole NJC was never really that big of an issue until a
bunch of people decided that they could post crap like transexual
blahbity blah and shit about Bush, Israel, The Arab World etc...I have no
problem with people who want to express their views about politics just
don't do it on this list,

you quite obviously do have a problem. It is one thing to object to NJC not being labelled, it should be. But to dismiss people's lives and views as crap and shit is plain arrogant and rude.

go to a list more specific to your need to
spout your rhetoric.
that has already beene sorted out. I am sure people are going to be very much more aware of the NJC label now. we don't have to go anywhere esle, no matter how you wish we would.

I am sure as hell not going to post everysingle
item I write as "JC" when this is the "JMDL".
I agree. it is not a good idea.

"ooooh it is easy to delete it" It is just as easy to put NJC in the
subject line.

yes it is and hopefully the lack of it will be much less now.

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