At 1/29/2003 11:28 AM, blonde in the bleachers wrote:
First off, this whole discussion about Joni's gay fans is self-serving
and quite boring,
The whole NJC was never really that big of an issue until a
bunch of people decided that they could post crap like transexual
blahbity blah and shit about Bush, Israel, The Arab World etc
Well, you know what they say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure".

First of all, this IS a list about Joni Mitchell but not restricted to that. In the introductory email that you all got when you subscribed, it explains that the "JMDL is an unmoderated discussion of anything and everything related to the life, art, music, and times of Joni Mitchell".

That statement can and has been interpreted on many different levels. I don't always read or agree with the off-topic things that are posted here but I think those topics add to the flavor of the list as a whole. The Joni content ebbs and flows based on what Joni is doing, how active she is, and MOST OF ALL on what topics list members introduce. If you don't like what is being discussed - introduce a topic and bring it back home.

Over the years, we've been through this NJC debate many, many times. In my opinion, the NJC tag has effectively eliminated the argument's power because now *there is a way to eliminate the non-Joni content* if you don't want it.

Given that, you have to understand that every single member of the list (over 800) is a human being and capable of making mistakes. Posts unrelated to Joni that are not labelled NJC are 99.96% of the time simply an oversight. The venom spewed back as a result of those oversights never ceases to amaze me.

***Humans! PLEASE remember to mark your non-Joni posts with NJC in the subject line. Thanks!***

OnlyJONI people: If you find the unmarked NJC posts have simply reached an intolerable level, might I suggest checking out a few other Joni lists out there: (161 members) (77 members) (122 members) (5 members) (5 members)

These may offer you what you are looking for. You can also start your own Joni list for free at:

It is just as easy to put NJC in the subject line.
On this you and I both agree. Since this is a Joni-based list, I feel the non-Joni based posts should be marked, not the other way around.

Thanks for listening, folks!

NP: Cat Stevens: "Trouble" (seriously, really... it is playing right now... :-)


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