Take a pill.

blonde in the bleachers wrote:

> Andrew you have no idea what being a bitch is, and you are lucky you
> can't see the finger getting exercise at this moment.
> First off, this whole discussion about Joni's gay fans is self-serving
> and quite boring, great she has homosexual fans, lets move on to another
> topic.  Laurent said something to the effect that "gay people are more
> educated about the arts" which I find to be a bunch of bullshit. God
> forbid if someone came on this list and said something derogatory about
> gay people, like "heteros are way more educated about sports than all
> those gay people drinking herbal tea and listening to their Cher
> albums."  The whole NJC was never really that big of an issue until a
> bunch of people decided that they could post crap like transexual
> blahbity blah and shit about Bush, Israel, The Arab World etc...I have no
> problem with people who want to express their views about politics just
> don't do it on this list, go to a list more specific to your need to
> spout your rhetoric.  I am sure as hell not going to post everysingle
> item I write as "JC" when this is the "JMDL".
> "ooooh it is easy to delete it"  It is just as easy to put NJC in the
> subject line.
> >From: Little Bird >Reply-To: Little Bird >To: vince , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: Re: Joni's gay fans???? >Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:31:05 -0800
> (PST) > > > Not to say that the discussion wasn't interesting >but all
> anyone offer as to the truth of the >proposition is how it seems to them
> by encountering >people in here, and that does not make a valid
> >foundation for conjecture.> > >...Which is precisely what the
> conversation was about. >No one was saying they knew the truth or had all
> the >answers. In fact, I made it clear that it was just for >the sake of
> discussion, and it was a fun discussion at >that. > >And all this talk
> about JC and NJC...I really don't >understand what all the fuss is about,
> frankly, and >I'm an NJC subscriber. I delete about 30% of the posts
> >that ARE about Joni because I don't enjoy the >particular subject. Are
> we going to segregate >ourselves into little sealed off corners of the
> list >and filter out ideas we don't want to hear about, >endlessly
> labelling and categorizing? "Oh, sorry I >belong to the Court & Spark
> Only list" -"Well I belong >to the 'Hejira/Travelogue version' digest.
> Please >refrain from posting about the original Hejira. It >really makes
> me mad." > >I thought such histrionics were reserved for acting >school
> flunkees. > >I don't know about the rest of you but living in a >vacuum
> is too grey and dusty for my liking. If you >don't like it, delete it.
> The sun will rise the next >day. Life will go on. And your finger may
> benefit from >the exercise. > >Sorry I'm being a bitch. But I am. (At
> least tonight) > >-Andrew >Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign
> up now. >http://mailplus.yahoo.com
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