--- Kate Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
maybe its not as available in france but here in the
> usa or at least
> california you can get all of these things you
> mentioned (& more) in organic
> form...no pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, et

The problem with so much of the organic foods is the
cost - it costs about three times as much as the, um,
inorganic kind. 

On that note, the expression "organic" does kind of
make me laugh. The opposite is "inorganic" and we
don't eat much in the way of inorganic things, except
for salt.

And, if you want to be really paranoid about it, as I
sometimes am, even the organically grown stuff grows
in soil that has no doubt been subjected to
contamination of some kind, and is rained on by acid
rain. I realize I'm going too far with this. I do try
to buy organic whenever I can - you can find lots of
it in Toronto but, well, it's expensive.

Thinking of converting my entire backyard into a
vegetable garden this year, but only if I can get
someone with a bulldozer in to turn over the grass


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