i am fortunate to live in an area where organic foods are only slightly more
expensive than the others due to the demand & since there is a demand, many
organic foods can be bought in our regular food chains or of course at the
wonderful trader joe's...i only shop at our super duper organic store for
things that cannot be found at the others as things there tend to be more
expensive...they have really good meats & when i did a price comparison i
found that they were only slightly more expensive than the others...it
probably helps if the organic store is large one that has lots of orders
&/or a chain (i.e whole foods)...

we also have farmers markets almost everyday of the week here where you can
buy fresh organic produce from local farmers & one of the cool things about
these outside markets are the beautiful flowers you can buy for a fraction
of the cost you'd pay elsewhere...

the way i see it is you can pay now or pay later with the possible health
risks involved with not paying attention to what sorts of terrible stuff
goes into commercial food...(especially meats)

btw, i've been involved with folks in the organic food realm (growers,
markets, distributers)for decades...the organic tag is only allowed to those
growers whose fields have not had pesticide use for several years (i don't
recall the legal amount of time)...

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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