Susan wrote:

> I think one of the most despictable things done in this country AND
> dangerous was to allow him to pursue and run a second term, and this
> has nothing to do with his politics.  I do believe he was propped up
> and put in place.

I agree, but what was worse was the huge push to repeal Amendment XXII 
(Two Term Limit on President) so Reagan might be able to run AGAIN!  
That terrified me, and I was totally prepared to go AWOL (I was in the 
Air Force, stationed in Germany) and move to Canada if it had 
happened.  I spoke openly about it, and many people thought I was nuts, 
but I feel exactly the same today.

> I am amazed at his density and outright meaness and yet all of you
> all still have your lips firmly planted on his sorry ass.

What IS up with that?  What's all this adoration of Reagan about?  I 
never, ever got it.  The man completely scared the shit out of me the 
entire 8 years he was in office.  I'm still pissed off at Mary for 
voting for him both times (her only reason was that he would do good 
things for the military - she was in the AF too - but that's no excuse).


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