Aren't the old left-versus-right labels a bit tired nowadays?

The important distinction now is conservative versus radical or progressive. The left in America is increasingly coming to be the conservative faction.

Regardless of which side of the old fence people come from, they can still be progressives. But this means ditching sacred cows - ideology - and trying to act according to the facts, and reason.

Not all liberals are pacifists, not all pacifists are liberals, not all right-wingers are mean-spirited hatemongers or intolerant hawks. In fact, most of the extreme right is against the war with Iraq. So these labels are pretty useless in describing positions nowadays, IMO.


At 10:14 AM -0800 02/03/2003, Susan Guzzi wrote:
And if the shoe fits Bree - yes I
think they are mean-spirited and hate mongers and intolerant and hawks. That's my opinion.

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