I am just flabbergasted! I can't believe the narrow-mindedness and stubborness Bree!
I no more stubborn than the next guy...Guz I just don't believe in rewriting history to suit ones own political views.

I only recently had this discussion in real life, I actually do see people outside of cyber space LOL!

I can relate here...everything I do is through space...it's much better this way. No mess..no fuss.

> Like you AND others, I have no concrete proof - that's right YOU DON"T either.However, I will never forget his debate, where he went off on some tangent in response to a question. He started talking about driving in a car and going up the coast and it had absolutely NO relevance, yet most of America sat there nodding like they understood.

I don't remember this..but I do take your word for it. Have you never lost your train of thought? There have been times I have been driving and my mind wanders and I don't remember how I got from point A to B. It's just all of a sudden I am at point B. (I know this is dangerous..but it has happened on more than one occasion with me)

Much in that "Chauncy Gardner" kind of way. Many, including myself, recognized his illness right then and there. Please see "Being There"with Peter Sellers!

I have..and I like this movie. A classic.

I think one of the most despictable things done in this country AND dangerous was to allow him to pursue and run a second term, and this has nothing to do with his politics. I do believe he was propped up and put in place.

"WELL...HERE SHE GOES AGAIN." We just disagree. I don't think it is possible propping up a demented or delusional person. ESPECIALLY...when that person is the prez. A person with dementia even in the beginning stages would crumble under the pressure.

Talk about liberal and pacifists being dreamers. What ever you're on - may I have some please?! ;-)Does anyone want to know how I really feel? LOL!Still ... Peace,Susan---

And right-wingers are supposed to hate and be mean spirited. As much as I disliked Clinton..I never said I hated him. Just green tea.

Take care...


Bree wrote: > There have been several people from Reagan's inner circle and some that were > not from his inner circle..let's see.. speechwriter Peggy Noonan being one.. > unequivocally say the Reagan DID NOT exhibit any dementia type behavior > while in office.

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