Well, I'll say it, I hate the Clintons.  I might add that Billy
refused to release any medical records on himself.  His
choice, but why? What was he hiding?  One more note
my brother (who is as liberal as Guz) said it would not have
been possible to prop up a person with dementia, and this is
his field of study.  He just says Reagan was an ass.  I still
love my brother, and he loves me, but we are complete
political opposites. Makes for wonderful family get together.
I also call him once a week so we can discuss the week in
politics. So you can love someone with different views.
What kind of sister would I be if I stopped loving my brother
just because he's wrong :)

And right-wingers are supposed to hate and be mean spirited.  As much as I
disliked Clinton..I never said I hated him.  Just green tea.

Take care...

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