Susan wrote to me:
> I am so sorry but you have totally blown your "coolness" here!

OMG!  I was "cool"?  Why didn't anyone ever say so??

> And 13/14 is WAY too old to have been listening to the Osmonds!

Do I get any credit for the fact that I was being understanding of my 
little brother Billy, who at the age of 8 was completely in love with 
Donny?  He and his little friend Doug used to have contests to see who 
could kiss the most pinups of Donny (and Michael Jackson).  I escorted 
them to an Osmonds concert at the Akron Rubber Bowl (really, that's 
what it was called!) in 1972, and literally had Billy sitting on my 
shoulders so he could see better when the Osmonds began to play "He 
Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother."  I think I became tearful.  (This is a 
true story.)

Also seen at the Akron Rubber Bowl that same year (previous to the 
Osmonds, I believe):  the James Gang and Three Dog Night.  (Woo.)

> I was smoking dope and listening to Blue at that age and you are a
> year or two younger than me - 

I started smoking dope at age 15, but didn't discover Joni until I was 
almost 19.  What can I say?  I had a sheltered childhood.  (Btw, I will 
be 45 in July.)

> damn I may have been on FTR by then and you were still listening to
> the Osmonds!?  Wow when the bubble bursts ... ;-P

Oh the other hand, my grandma bought me Donny Osmond's first solo LP 
(along with a Roy Clarke album - ???) one xmas, and Pink 
Floyd's "Meddle" the next.  (Unfortunately, the COVER was "Meddle" but 
inside was "Atom Heart Mother."  Not, imo, a great PF album.)  So maybe 
something was noticeably changing?   : )


NPIMH:  "Crazy Horses"

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