"cool" susan wrote:
<<I had to put up with Daivd Cassidy! But I would NEVER have
risked my cool by going to
one of his concerts!>>

just in case one of you might have accidentally gotten the wrong
idea, and thought i *might* be cool -
i went to see david cassidy in concert many many years ago and
*RUSHED THE STAGE.*  ok ok...  i was 11 years old at the time.
the bad news?
i saw him again last year, in concert at Harrah's in new orleans,
and i rushed the stage again.
*and* his last CD (which is absolutely abysmal, by the way)??  i
have a copy of that -  personally autographed to me.

Cindy Vickery
Daniel Corporation
205-443-4718 direct
205-443-4615 facsimile

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