--- Wally Kairuz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> LOL cath! you kill me!!!! by the way, is there
> anything you actually LIKE
> re. foods? you would be such a difficult dinner
> guest...
> wallyK

There's lots of foods I like. Just about anything
Italian or Chinese (but no mushrooms or squids or
anything with eyes!) Chicken prepared just about any
way. Mexican food, or even Tex-Mex food. Curry - I
love curry. I even like hospital food, believe it or
not. Some call it bland but I say, savour the flavour
(or, as the Yanks would put it, savor the flavor). I
like food that is spicy, or food that is not. I like
most kinds of fruit, but vegetables have to be
prepared just so (I don't know how to do it, but they
have to have some crunch and colour left in them when
they're cooked.) I don't eat much in the way of beef
or pork - just don't care for it much. I eat some
fish, as long as it doesn't taste too fishy. Shrimp
are great, but lobsters are a pain to eat and I feel
sorry for them anyway when I see them in those tanks.
My daughter wants to free the lobsters at the local
grocery store, but we'd have to drive quite a way to
set them free. I was always a picky eater as a child.
Wouldn't eat anything that wasn't plain and obvious.
Hated it when my mother tried to fool us into thinking
liver was steak. Wouldn't touch spaghetti or pizza or
Chinese food until I was at least 12. Used to take so
long eating dinner when it was something I hated that
my mother would give up (ha! I won!) Do NOT get me
started on people who stuff mushrooms. That has always
struck me as one of the most useless activities anyone
could partake of - why the hell would anyone want to
hollow out a freakin' mushroom and stuff it with
something else? Like, you've got nothing better to do
with your time - you have to stuff mushrooms? Jello is
probably one of the stupidest excuses for a dessert
anyone could ever come up with. Some people actually
order the stuff in restaurants - like, why? There can
never be enough chocolate. Greek food is yummy (except
for squid and mushrooms and so on.) Those little
pinwheel sandwiches like they used to serve at
birthday parties when I was a kid - nostalgia time. Or
the sandwiches on the coloured bread - you just can't
buy pink or green bread these days! Cookies of any
kind, especially with milk. Coffee-flavoured ice
cream. Orangina to drink, or Brio, or cappuccino or a
nice dark coffee; forget that crap with the icky
flavours in it - coffee should taste like coffee. You
want a milkshake? buy a milkshake, don't try to call
it coffee. Ha! Is that enough? Do you like how long
this paragraph is?


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