Wally Kairuz wrote:
> milk of the madonna is a kind of white wine from the rhine region. it is
> really called liebfraumilch in german but i guess joni couldn't find a rhyme
> for THAT.

I remember that wine! Blue Nun was one of the most popular when I was in
college. Yes, that was wonderful wine. Sweet (if I'm recalling
correctly) and not too expensive. It never made me sick the way cheap
red wine did; one night with my cheek on the suddenly comfortable cool
tile of the bathroom floor was enough to end my relationship with red
wine, at least the big-jug kind.

> but i agree with you, debra. i don't think joni has been aiming at
> catholics in general but at pharisees, whatever their religion.

Yes, her specific criticisms have never bothered me. Along with doing
good works, the Catholic Church as an organization and particular people
within it have done some appalling things that must be criticized, with
the hope that it results in positive change.

Debra Shea

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