--- Sarah Gibb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The Catholic
Church teaches that [...] that individuals can have no
> relationship with god 
> but must commune via a priest, 

I was raised as a Catholic and I certainly don't
remember that part!

> Regarding healthcare costs, Saskatchewan - Joni's
> home province - had 
> universal free hospital-based healthcare by 1946,
> and generally led 
> the way in Canada regarding welfare provision. Joni
> had her baby in 
> February 1965, by which time there was an
> established welfare state.

There were beginnings of state-covered health
insurance at that time, but it was limited at first to
the elderly and the very poor. If I remember this
right, the "universality" aspect of it came in right
around the time Kilauren was born. In the beginning,
the insurance covered only hospital care. It was later
expanded to cover medical (by an MD) care at 90%,
where the patient was supposed to pay 10%; however
most docs waived the 10% because, being paid 90% for
all patients at that time was still much better than
getting paid all or part by only some patients and
having to go after delinquent payments.

I don't know if it was the health-care that was the
issue here, but the financial aspect combined with the
stigma of being an unwed mother (she was unmarried
while she was pregnant and when the child was born and
married Chuck after the baby was born). The welfare
system does not make an easy life for anyone and, Joni
was struggling to get enough work to make enough money
to live on. 


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