Lovely Lieve writes:

<< Gosh, I must be losing my marbles, posting porridge recipes when a) we may 
be facing a war soon b) I am working in one of the main target areas for 
terrorist attacks i.e. the London's financial centre, and c) yes I should be 
working! >>

Hi, Lieve! I think Joni has the answer here, from "The Tea Leaf Prophesy":

"This world is shattered
The wise are mourning
The fools are joking
Oh, what does it matter
The wash needs ironing
And the fire needs stoking"

Lieve also writes:

<< PS Special message for Susan and Bob etc: I've booked myself on an Ethel

Merman show in Greenwich theatre this Saturday. >>

But Lieve, Ethel is dead! Beware of shoddy imitations (or imitators)! 

Funnily enough, I had lunch yesterday with my college girlfriend Hannah and 
her husband who were visiting from out of state. Hannah and I were 
remembering when we went to see Ethel Merman at a department store record 
signing back in the 70s. I have told the story here before, but Hannah added 
some details . . . Ethel was wearing a full-length mink coat and had 
blood-red fingernails. 

Hannah also said something I thought was very funny. She called her husband 
and me her "parentheses." When I asked what she meant, she said, "Well, Bob, 
you were the first man I ever slept with and he'll be the last!" 

In other news, Kinsey Sicks is playing in Boston tonight. If anyone here goes 
to see them, I'd love to hear how it was.


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