Lieve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:-
> In fact, I'm just wondering: aren't oats gluten free?  And buckwheat?  I
> certainly know that a friend of my kids who was allergic to wheat, could
> eat those, but I'm not a gluten expert.  COLIN???

Sorry not colin but I'll give my thoughts anyway.
Okay buckwheat is gluten free as far as I know.
Oats are a tricky one! They are considered to have gluten in but my dad
spoke to a doctor and he said that he doesn't think they contain gluten,
just that they are ussually proccesed in the same place as wheat so they get
I don't feel well if I eat something with gluten in but I make sure I have a
bowl of porridge with honey every morning and I feel great.


NP: Society's Child by Janis Ian

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