Lieve the Lexicon Lecturer writes:

<< Language, dear!  My choice of words was deliberate: I said I was

going to see "an Ethel Merman show" which is not the same as "going to see

Ethel Merman" - SEE?  >>

Hmm. If I said I was going to see a "Joni Mitchell show" would you assume I 
was seeing an imitator? Where did you learn to speak English, anyway? 
England? ;-)

<< Isn't that typical, you being more consistent in the degree of wit of your

bed partners than their gender! >> 

Yes, Lieve, many of my bed partners have enjoyed hearty laughs! ;-(

<< Made me think, I guess not many of us are ever in that position,

having an evening out with both our parentheses - and it could so easily

turn out scary or claustrophobic! >> 

Lieve, these two are so *evoled* they make the rest of us look like 
rock-wielding Neanderthals. The first and last time I met Hannah's husband 
was about 5 years ago at the Seattle airport. (I was arriving as they were 
hurrying to catch a plane to New Zealand to spend a few months teaching 
massage therapy to a Maori tribe.) Introducing us, Hannah turned to her 
husband and said, "You've always said I'm a good lover. Well, here's the man 
who taught me everything I know!" While I blushed crimson, he shook my hand 
enthusiastically! (I love this story!) 


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